Oversea online shopping made cheaper!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
My first purchase when my credit card was approved years back was several novels from Amazon.com. I couldn’t find those novels from any bookstore near me and I wanted them something fierce. So imagine my delight when I finally get to own them, no matter by whatever means

But hey, I read about MyUS.com website recently which may be the answer in making it possible for me to buy from US retailers that do not ship oversea

Check out these cool benefits for owning an account at Access USA;
- Provides consumer with a genuine US street address that US retailers will accept as a valid shipping destination.
- Account holders can enjoy very low international shipping rates, much less than rates from US retailers.
- Consolidate multiple purchases into a single package, saving consumer more money on shipping.
- Consumer can enjoy the same merchandise selection, pricing, and discounts as US residents without the difficulties associated with international shipping.

posted @ 7.9.08,
- At September 7, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Unknown said...
it depends. Yes they offer cheaper price but sometimes shipping cost could be the same or higher than product price. My experience buying things from US, I have to buy in bulk and try negotiate and persuade them to give token or gift for buying in bulk...heheheh
- At September 8, 2008 at 6:36 AM, said...
Hi Dawn!
I have not try shopping online, Takut bah, beli punya beli sekalinya cost beribu Ringgit Malaysia, i'll remain old fashion lah dulu... But continue updating post like this ya.. for someone like me to gain knowledge.. muahhh!! - At September 8, 2008 at 9:44 PM, FloDawn said...
Hi Zayed, Yes u hv a point there :D I when thru a phase where I was down crazy with Nora Roberts novels, and even Kinokuniya in KL do not have certain titles oo. So I resorted to Amazon.com cos i really wanted those book hehe... Wah u even nego w retailer? Good for u!
- At September 8, 2008 at 9:46 PM, FloDawn said...
Hi Q Bee :P When shopping online u just gotta hv discipline hehe... kalo tidak end up wif debts. Luckily I've gotten over my crazy phase hehe...
- At September 8, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Unknown said...
see what i bought...
eheheheh... - At September 9, 2008 at 9:13 AM, RiccLee said...
Whoa Flo, u found such a good site.. LoL.. Do u have a/c there?
I wan to buy smt using ur a/c.. Can ar? - At September 9, 2008 at 9:11 PM, said...
Another great option for setting up a US address is http://www.BongoUS.com
I have been using them for about a year now and they have excellent customer service. - At September 10, 2008 at 8:22 AM, FloDawn said...
Hi Zayed, I've checked out those seriously cute fridge magnet you're selling :) Good idea hehe! Those are really great collection I'm surprise u're able to part with any of them :D
- At September 10, 2008 at 8:24 AM, FloDawn said...
Ricclee; I hv just discovered this website hehe... haven't made any account yet. Wait la till I hv something I totally wanna buy again hehe...
Hi AnnaBellaPena; Nice name :) Thanks for the info. Will surely check the website out ;P - At September 11, 2008 at 7:51 PM, said...
Agree..! My favorite thing to do is online shopping. I love online shopping because it’s a great way to find great deals. Buying online is way better then buying something from a brick and mortar shop. You can easily compare prices and find a lot of discount codes.