Cat Pic of the Week (^-_-^)~... CAT SHOW
Friday, August 29, 2008

Aik? Not free meh? Never-the-mind... I coughed out RM5.00 and RM2.00 for my sister Faye. We got this red chop on our wrist as 'ticket' (took 3 days for it to wear off!)
I must be in Cat's Heaven... I must be sooooo elated!... NOT!
I wasn't able to cuddle any of the darlingssss... just snap photos ("with no flash please dear?")
Most of the poor cats were dozing away, only the slight up-down movement of their tummy reveals that they were breathing and alive. Some looked spooked, most were closed up nicely by their owners that you don't get to see anything!

Anywayssss... these are photos I managed to take before the sour faces of some of the owners turned me off *Humph!!!*
My fav! I call him Smiley, cos he looks like he's smiling at all of us gawkers.
This one looked verrry spooked and had to be calmed by it's owner. Looks like Puss in Shrek2 doncha think?
Miss Doll-like here can barely be seen!!!!
Two familiar kitties... Rambo and his son from Pinaccle PetShop.
If this was the nature of the show, why implement the RM5 entrance charge?

If you can't read it, the post-it note says "Tolong Jangan Sentuh"!! (Do not touch)

Closed up. Not for show. What lar????

Here some more pic for your viewing pleasure.
posted @ 29.8.08,
- At August 29, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Nessa said...
Hi Flo! :)
Aiyah, it's a cat show, for goodness sake! The cat owners shouldn't even bother to join if visitors (who pay) can't even take pictures.
I went for a dog show a few months back but the owners were more than willing to let you touch their dogs. They even pose happily for you. And best of all, it was free.
Oh well... some people memang bikin panas bah kan... haha - At August 29, 2008 at 6:40 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: How exasperating ...and such arrogance!!anyway, at least u managed to get a few photos of the cats...I found a website called "Cats in the News" which i e-mailed to u..thought that you might be interested. Thanks 4 the slideshows.
- At August 29, 2008 at 6:56 PM, seventh said...
That was such a let down cat show. Poor you and faye, kena cheat rm7.
You should complain to the organizer. This is not cat show. It's more like cage show. - At August 30, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Jessica said...
What would u expect from cat show? Arrogant cats la..... But atleast u got some pictures...
U should know those pampered cats are just like a spoilt child.... stuck up and sombong....with very serious attitude proplem... but thats why u like them. - At September 2, 2008 at 5:39 PM, coolingstar9 said...
It will feel good if you and faye can cuddle the lovely cats. No wonder the cats want to sleep z^z^^lol.
At least your cute cat photos make me smile.
Take care.