Casanovas need to practice too…
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Have you ever found yourself attending a friend’s birthday party or a wedding reception without a close companion or your usual gang of noisy clique? And everyone around you seems to be in deep conversation or was engrossed with their group reminiscing about some hilarious memories they all shared… Dreadful situation to be in right. Well, I know of some people who revel in coming into such a situation in the mistaken hope of getting the perfect excuse to chat up some unsuspecting sexy lady or charm a good-looking gentleman. They will be dressed to the nine, and their hair will be impeccably groomed, probably with Extreme Style by VO5 for that whole-night hair staying power. These set of people hopes that their evening will lead to some magical moments with their prey that hopefully ends with them making Victory Hair! For such breeds, they better practice their pick-up line and make sure they have a winning one before going for the kill. Else they could end up saying something juvenile like, “Can I have your phone number? I seem to have lost mine.” Gosh!
Now here’s the perfect game to practice your sultry lines! Check out the Ultimate Flirting Championship.

posted @ 2.9.08,