Happy Birthday Wei-Wei!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Our adorable Wei-Wei turns 12 today!
The Choc Cake from Uncle Biscuit was simply divine...
But not as sweet as Birthday Boy!
Who was grinning from ears-to-ears and flashing that expensive smile...
*Ha ha ha! Rhyme oso bah kan...
The Choc Cake from Uncle Biscuit was simply divine...
But not as sweet as Birthday Boy!
Who was grinning from ears-to-ears and flashing that expensive smile...
*Ha ha ha! Rhyme oso bah kan...

posted @ 2.9.08,
- At September 3, 2008 at 4:38 AM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: O My Gosh, our wei- wei is 12 already...how time flies and he looks like he has grown taller and lost his baby fat:-)