So long 'Survey' ...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I'm sure many of you have blogged about the great tragedy of Survey (Penampang Baru Branch) being burnt down to the ground. I remembered that night, 20th August last Wednesday, me and a friend were coincidentally driving to Survey to buy last minutes supplies for our trip to Ranau (for SYD2) the next day. We saw thick black smoke and wondered if there was a fire nearby. True enough, as we drove by the main highway, we saw big fire engulfing a building. But it never occurred to us it could be Survey! "Must be the building behind Survey," we thought then.
Crowd were gathered at all sides of the main road and more gathered as we neared Survey. Then we saw it... Survey was on fire

"Alamak! Where la me buy new towel this?" my friend exclaimed.
It was an unbelievable sight... As we made a U-turn to go back to the main road, we heard siren and one lone fire truck appeared. Just one?????
Unfortunately I didn't take my cam along that night. But I manage to take these photos the next day on the way to Ranau. Such a sad sad sight...

posted @ 27.8.08,
- At August 27, 2008 at 7:48 AM, seventh said...
flo, where is jessie's photos?
- At August 27, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Nessa said...
Sad sight indeed :*( Anyway, what caused the fire? Kerja arson ka or hanky panky?
- At August 28, 2008 at 12:50 AM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: it is sad to see SERVAY (I think SERVAY was spelled this way & not SURVEY:-))supermarket burnt to the ground. It was my favourite supermarket & I remember all of us goin there to eat coconut pudding last December..hehehe...
- At August 28, 2008 at 5:26 PM, FloDawn said...
Aiyaaa I forgot pula to put in our photos from Jc's wed reception kan. Nvrm, I'll put it up soon.
(Dun worry, i got the CD to burnt all the photos u wanted ready hehe)
Well, the newspaper said the culprit was a 'litar pintas' which started from the storeroom. Servay lost an estimated RM32mil...
But gossip mills are suspecting 'Giant' might hv somethg to do with the fire cos Servay will be opening a new branch on 1st Sept i think, next to Giant's Putatan branch.
KadazanMonk: Hahaha! No wonder the word didn't look right to me, but I was too sleepy to think further. Yeah, the right spelling is SERVAY bah hmmm. Fancy u to notice it hehe. Yeah, really sad. But luckily the coconut pudding stall had moved to I-do-not-know-where-yet before the fire. - At September 3, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Agnes CF Lee said...
have you noticed there is a little house still remain standing while all other structure of the building was not burnt or collapsed due to strong fire? why is that just curious!!
- At September 4, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Just plain Sharon said...
very sad incident indeed. the one in putatan not as convenient. now, CKS is making the dough. Hehehhehe...but i heart CKS.