Learn to flirt from movies?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Can it work you think? I mean, there’s load of memorable lines we tend to repeat at odds moment, and some are romantic flirty lines too. If it works in the movie, can these lines actually work in real life?
Recently I came across an old Marilyn Monroe comedy ‘Some like it Hot’ where her sexy character, Sugar Kane said, “I have this thing about saxophone players,”
Wohoooooooo! and didn’t she melt the fella’s heart

Sugar Kane’s come on line landed her a romantic moment with Joe (Tony Curtis) on a yatch and well… they both got their Victory Hair afterward. But they must have been using Extreme Style by VO5 as their hairs still manage to look sexy in a tousled wind-blown look. Duh!

I guess before trying such Hollywood lines on a real person, it would be better to test it out on a virtual one by playing the Ultimate Flirting Championship. So got some dandy movie lines in your head? Try it out then… see how it works out hehe.
I played the game the other day but I lost as I was a bit late with my come back line. Yeah, I’m not a good flirt. But you know what, I’m gonna jot down all the sexy lines from movies and use them to win Muahahahhahaah!

posted @ 28.8.08,