Sunday School Kids' Colouring Work
Thursday, September 04, 2008
A week ago our church's Sunday School conducted a colouring contest for kids in year 1-6. As is anything to do with kids, you're sure to find some real gem and also copper amongst their work. So certainly we had fun going through all the pictures and selecting the winning art from each class.
Here's to share some of the kids work, and see what you guys think about it

Look out for Wei-wei's (winner for year 6) and Faye's work. When I asked Faye how she fared, she replied, "Malas sia colour oo." (I'm so lazy to colour)

posted @ 4.9.08,
- At September 4, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Nessa said...
Wah, hebat2 coloring diorang ni kan. They're all deserving winners :)
Talking about Sunday school, both my sons will be taking their first Holy Communion next month!