I'm a Disney Fan!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
All through my childhood, the magical characters in Disney had sparked the creative imagination in me. Even now, I could still hum or sing some of the songs the Disney Princesses sang in the cartoon version.
My Top 15 Favourite Disney Cartoon Character of all times are;
1) Princess Snow White
2) Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
3) Cinderella
4) Alice (Alice in WonderLand)
5) Princess Ariel (Little Mermaid)
6) Princess Jasmine (Aladdin)
7) Pinocchio
8) Mickey Mouse
9) Donald Duck
10) Winnie the Pooh
11) Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
12) Pocahontas
13) The Incredibles
14) Nemo (Finding Nemo)
15) Simba (The Lion King)
What about you? I’d like to know your Top 5 Favourite Disney Characters at least, and see how many matches with the characters I love. Hope to read your feedback in my comment box ya.
ScreenLife Game has come up with a Disney Bingo DVD game which showcase most of the characters I listed above. The games offers a high-tech twist on an old favorite. The games lets kids learn numbers, colors and matching skills with everyone's favorite Disney characters and movie clips. The games are played by matching the numbers on the board to the ones given by the caller. The first one to fill in the pattern and shout out Bingo wins! This games will be a blast for kids and even grown-ups who love and enjoy Disney characters as I do.
You can now purchase this Disney Bingo Game via Amazon.com or Drugstore.com.

posted @ 26.8.08,
- At August 27, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Nessa said...
Wah, banyak buat paid postings :) Kaching! Kaching! Hehe
BTW, you should put a personal post in between paid postings (it's the requirement at PPP and SS). Just thot I'd let you know :)