Holy Nativity's Down Memory Lane Dinner
Monday, September 08, 2008

Astrid & Minnie were picked by Ebi to come on stage as his back-up dancers. In the excitement,

posted @ 8.9.08,
- At September 9, 2008 at 7:12 AM, said...
F.BOUTIQUE says: U look smashing, fresh, slim n beautiful n d pic not 2 mention yr lovely hair..same goes 2 your maymay..sistr( u know who)
- At September 9, 2008 at 3:42 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: wow, Felix looks different...it must be the hair. seems like the C dinner nite was an opportunity 4 evb to showcases their lovely dresses. And my award...so many 'achievements'...how embarassing!!! Our Jay chow almost 'steal' the show by his distinctive glass...and have u notice that SG is wearing Sarah Palin's spec, which is the current rage....
- At September 9, 2008 at 8:13 PM, said...
my sister gave us tickets at the last minute on sunday for the dinner! my hubby and daughter attended, I couldn't because I have already planned another dinner well in advance. Anyway, my daughter had a great time esp nampak si Felix.. hehehe
- At September 10, 2008 at 8:28 AM, FloDawn said...
F.Boutique... Thanks for the compliment! Look who's talking? U looked FAB urself that night hehe :D
Kadazanmonk; Yeah Felix had a new hairdo which I think don't really suit him. Did u see your award (accepted on ur behalf by SG)? And fancy u noticing Sarah Palin's spec on SG ha ha!
Hiya Osindak; Am glad ur daughter had a great time. If i knew, she could hv snooped backstage for a personal pic wif felix hehehe... - At September 10, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Anies Azeera said...
Wah.. you guys had a great time with the AF celebrity it seems.
..and aunty Minnie dapat chance to dance with Ebi lagi o.