The Flirting Games
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Hi all… I’ve been dog sick these pass few days

You think you got or still got what it takes to snatch some charming eyes your way? You think you’re some man or women magnet? Well prove it with this game brought to us by Extreme Style by VO5 hehe.
So how to play this game?
Easy, if you’re really a chick or rooster magnet that is.
Victory Hair begins with you attracting the opposite sex and working on getting into a situation where both your hair get sexily tousled. And this is how you make your Victory Hair.
To me a great conversation is important. So eye fluttering and sexy come-on smile might not work for me. I’m totally a failure at flirting. But I do see some girls really expert at playing this game.
First, their head high, giving calculated look when making an entry… then making subtle eye contact to encourage the said prey to come over for a conversation or two… then perhaps get the poor chap to buy them dinner. Then work the charm and before you know it, they are off to make Victory Hair.
So I just use these observations to win the Championship just for the fun of it haha!
Have you tried playing this game? How good are you?

posted @ 26.8.08,
- At August 26, 2008 at 1:19 PM, RiccLee said...
I like 1 only.. Donald Duck.. :D