Cinderella Glass Slipper?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Miss Strictpollyanna had succeeded in drawing out the green-eyed monster in Aunty J!
As a result.................................. we must accompany Aunty J to 'Blay' in Warisan Square.
Wanna know what caught her fancy? Hehe check out Aunty J's blog cos am sure she'll be boasting about it there

Can you believe this big poster at the shoe shop?????

Anyway, I had fun looking for my version of 'Cinderella Glass Slipper'

Side view....

Front View....

But I didn't buy it oooo... cost RM49.95. Dun have RM50 to spare ler... Too bad, the shoe made my feet look dainty and Cinderella-like kan

* UPDATE: The shoe is still there in Blay... BUT, if before it was priced at RM49.95... Now the price tag showed RM99++!! So after the 70% discount it came down to RM29.95 I think... On second look, it kinda look faded and worn a bit to cost me RM30. If it was down to RM20, I would have considered. Yeah, I am that stingy at this point. So till the petrol price goes down further, I've to stay frugal.
posted @ 20.8.08,
- At August 20, 2008 at 9:59 PM, said...
flo, the red heels look so girly girly la...hehehe but ngam u :))
- At August 21, 2008 at 11:17 AM, RiccLee said...
Shoes FREAK !!!!!!!!!! :D
- At August 21, 2008 at 11:22 AM, said...
hi flo ..the shoe is so nice on ur feet ..ngam flo
- At August 21, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Anies Azeera said...
Ya, ngam you pakai the shoe. I tried it, blue color.. but it doesnt look nice on my feet lah.
- At August 22, 2008 at 9:10 AM, nobathroomnosink said...
nah kan..apa sia bilang ngam kan.
- At August 22, 2008 at 1:38 PM, said...
- At August 23, 2008 at 11:49 PM, FloDawn said...
Hewooo everybody! Thanks for all the POSITIVE comments heheheh...
Well Miss Strictpollyanna had sms-ed me the good news that 'Blay'is NOW having 70% discount on that particular shoe!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO... as am just back from Ranau (for the SYD2 event), will head to 'Blay' soonest! Hope it's still there!
Will update u guys on this later hehehehehhehehe...
June-Bong: Hehehe girly2 is just right for me XD
Ricclee: As freaky as I am... got sumbody 'else' much more shoe freakish hehehhehe ...
Cay: Thanks! Am anxious to see to Miss S'pollyanna claim that it's on sale ody dis...
Anies: Ooo ada blue color oso... I didn't see it. But then my eyes are 'pink-colour' biased *grin*
Strictpollyanna: It's all ur fault! *grin* But thanks for the good news sms hehe...
Anon: Nowadays RM50 seems a small fortune to me huhuhuhu! But all hope not lost yet :P - At August 25, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Nessa said...
Price, check! Size, brapa gia?? Cutenya your feet, ni saiz 5 or 6 ka?? I love your nail polish color. Makes me want to polish my nails too! :D
- At August 26, 2008 at 10:06 AM, FloDawn said...
Hi Nessa XD
My size is 5. Ngam2 my nail polish and the shoe colour matching bah kan. I wanted to go looksee on Sunday but got other prog. Hmmm mebbe it's no more :-/