Sabah Youth Day-2: Photos & Vids
Monday, September 15, 2008
At long last... After almost a month since SYD2 in Ranau, here's some photos and videos taken on the last 2 days (22nd & 23rd Aug) I was there

Too lazy and busy with other things to upload before.
I took about 100++ photos, so please GO HERE to view all the photos. Too many to paste all in StoryMory.
About 2000 youths from all over Sabah sitting together for mass at St Peter Claver Church, Ranau
Each parish donning their colours and displaying banners to identify themselves from the rest. Seen here, the youths were taking their place at St Benedict School's field for the Final SYD2 Concert.
Penampangites seated around the coveted front rows. Seen here some are calmly enjoying the concert, others (at the back) were participating in the action song.
Symbolic lighting of SYD2 candle by Fr. Nicholas Stephen... Banners representing parishes all over Sabah surrounding the lighted candle.
If you're bored and wanna see the festive scene during the Final SYD2 Concert by Penampang Praise Team, here's the videos I took using my digital cam... so paham-paham la if the resolution not up to standard ah...

The exuberant crowd during the final concert...
Action dance by 'Penari latar geng' hehe... and the crowd...
More on the crowd...
The Musicians... kasian cos they were hidden on the far side of the field under a camp haha!
posted @ 15.9.08,