Mei Ling's stork has arrive :-)
Monday, August 18, 2008
I was just leaving my office last Friday when (Dr) Alex called me with the expected news of Mei Ling's safe delivery.
This news was indeed anticipated after Alex and I gave the nurses in Damai Specialist (DSC) a good laugh last Thursday after a false alarm by Mei Ling. She sms-ed us in the morning that she was being admitted to DSC. And our consequent sms were not replied. What would you think? No reply means someone was probably hard at work to bring a new person in this World, right?
So there we were, asking the nurses for a new mother warded in their clinic by the name of 'Mei Ling'.
"Errr... never heard of this name."
"Not in our list lar. Try SMC. Maybe she's there..."
The date was clearly not April 1st... we were definitely not there for some April Fool fun. In the end, Alex called dear Mei Ling. Seems she opted to go home as she was only 1cm dilated hmmm. Listening to our conversation, the nurses errupted in gales of laughters. Well, at least we provided some entertainment for them.
So the next day (Friday, 15 August 2008), Mei Ling only sms-ed us after lil' Chong Ze Feng who weight 3.48kg arrived safely at exactly 12.08noon. It took two good push to usher him out the proud mum said

posted @ 18.8.08,
- At August 18, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Nessa said...
Congrats to your friend :) Welcome to the world, baby Chong Ze Feng!
- At August 19, 2008 at 12:51 AM, said...
gossshhhh her bb boy so big...3,48kg...chubby bb...but moi moi's stomach not that big kan...lucky her :))
keep me updated yah flo - At August 21, 2008 at 3:25 AM, said...
Kadazanmonk say: What a beautiful baby boy? congratulations to ur friend mei-ling:-)
- At August 24, 2008 at 12:04 AM, FloDawn said...
Nessa & KadazanMonk; Thanks for the wish... Am sure Mei Ling will be most pleased when she get around to seeing this entry XD
June-Bong; Yeah our Mo-moi is most lucky... she looks so slim right after i tell you hmmm... some ppl are just so lucky huh.