BonusLink Redeemed Gift
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hah! Am sure almost everyone of you have BonusLink card.
If you haven't redeem anything for sometimes now, better do so before all your precious points get expired hehe.
I just did mine last week and it took only 3 days for the gift to be delivered.
Check out this Sierra Backpack = 8,200 points.
Front view...
Back View... (Spacious hp pocket)
Front Accessory Pocket
Bag features...
posted @ 18.8.08,
- At August 18, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Nessa said...
Wow, that's one cool Backpack! I wonder where my BonusLink card gone to...
- At August 21, 2008 at 3:27 AM, said...
Kadazanmonk say: What a cool packpack and in time for ur SYD. U can put a lot inside:-)
- At August 23, 2008 at 11:59 PM, FloDawn said...
Hi Nessa; After this fast redemption and more goodies waiting to be claim, am becoming more alert with how many points I've accumulated hehehe...
KadazanMonk; Yep, I dun hv a proper backpack before so this one will be very useful for me (btw, am just back from SYD2. Will blog abt the trip later cos toooooo sleepy now)