Listless me :-(
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I'm having a blogging hiatus these past few days...
Lazy big time!

Am involve with the Sabah Youth Day (SYD-2) organizing and preparation in our parish (happening 19-23 Aug) and also our church Fund Raising Dinner to bulk up the church maintenance fund (7 Sept). To top it of, our church is also the host for the upcoming Sunday School Kiddies week where there'll be several competitions going on (20-21 Sept).

Need more time at home to recuperate and be a total coach potato hah!
BTW, you guys following the Beijing Olympic?
Even with all the nightly activities, I'm trying to catch glimpses of my fav events--Artistic & Rhythmic Gymnastics, Diving, Synchronised Swimming and Swimming.
So far I've only managed to watch a bit of the swimming and diving event... and the qualifying round of the men Artistic Gymnastic.
Double dang!

Anybody know if there'll be a repeat? Please leave the info here if you do. Will be much appreciated.
*Now I'm hoping to catch the Rhythmic Gymnastic*

Wish I was a great gymnast or a brilliant synchronize swimmer... but thinking of the harsh discipline involved, I'd rather just be a fan of the sport hehe!
posted @ 14.8.08,
- At August 14, 2008 at 3:50 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: I thought that Friday is allocated 4 the cats of the week!!! anyway, treat ur busyness in a different light i.e. positively. Busyness means activity, and being active helps to burn calories which is a natural alternative to Gymn exercise. Since u hate any form of indoor & outdoor exrecises, natural physical & mental activities are the next best thing. Enjoy the olympics. Watch esp our 14 yr old star Tom Daley:-)
- At August 14, 2008 at 3:53 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk apologises: OOooopsss sorry, I thought today is FRIDAY..hehehehe
- At August 14, 2008 at 3:56 PM, RiccLee said...
me also missed.. :(
Looking for repeat.. but dunno when.. - At August 15, 2008 at 8:26 AM, FloDawn said...
Dear Kadazanmonk: The 'business' doesn't seem to shed much 'kg' off me... so not much motivation there hehe... And hah! Next time check the date properly first. I know how much u strive on the kitties photos every Friday muahahahahahhahahahaha!!!
Ricclee: Well if u ever find out the repeat info, let me know ya. *frustrated* - At August 16, 2008 at 8:59 PM, coolingstar9 said...
Wow, you like to watch Olympics game. I also watching some. I feel really excited when athlete perform well in the game.
We can see top performers in the world. I am looking forward to watch more exciting games.
Have a nice day.