Cat's Pic of the Week (^-_-^)~
Friday, August 15, 2008
I was browsing through my photo archive last night to see if I have anything worth a shot at being my entry for a Photography Contest I had my eyes on hehe...

End up I didn't find what I wanted, but I re-discovered this old photo of cousin Astrid's cat when he was a lil' kitty... Now he's all grown up of course, and as prove of his male prowess, probably have several grandchildren scattered about his neighbourhood.
posted @ 15.8.08,
- At August 16, 2008 at 11:36 PM, Anies Azeera said...
Truly a cat lover lah you this. Nanti lah.. I'll show you my cat pics.
BTW,you know about the coming cat show ba kan?