Appreciating God's Creation :)
Thursday, August 07, 2008
I was at my maternal grandparent's house few weeks back...
And I was in an appreciative mood.
Looking around, I realised there were many lovely flowers adorning the lawn.
They were there all along, only I never looked.
I'm no green-finger, and I may not know the names of these flowers...
But I do know beauty when I see one

Need to relax, calm down and de-stress?
Enjoy these few photos I like tremendously!
posted @ 7.8.08,
- At August 7, 2008 at 11:02 AM, said...
I'm not a green finger either but plant sikit2 flower because i love to watch beautiful and colourful flowers..even bunga tai ayam also look nice to my eyes. Its nice to have our own land to plant direct to the ground rather than keeping them in a pot.... which need watering all the time, malas mau siram.