Goodies Parcel - Part 2 (Bracelet galore!)
Friday, August 08, 2008
The second parcel from Kadazanmonk reached me in perfect condition

Drove straight to Aunty F's after work and make short work of opening the envelope.
And this time, I get 1 pink cloth-bag with the word Lourdes all over it, so no secret where it's from... and many-many-many bracelet from Lourdes as well!
Also 2 Mother Mary holy water bottle.
Thankssssssss much for your thoughtful present Kadazanmonk!

May there be more muahahahhahaaha!

posted @ 8.8.08,
- At August 8, 2008 at 3:54 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: I'm glad that the 2nd parcel had finally arrived. I was quite worried that Mr. Postman had pinched it:-)Our postal system is quite efficient actually. I am pleased that you are enjoying the contents.