Goodies Parcel - Part 1 (MU Fan?)
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Kadazanmonk said the parcel (belated birthday pressie) he sent for me might only reach in a month's time. So imagine my great delight seeing it on my table 2 weeks earlier!

What's inside?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Baby-Tee and pink rosary for me, and Aunty F's special order of a plastic Mother Mary holy water bottle.
I've never really been a football fan... Got kaki bangku and am allergic to running

Some years ago I thought I was an Arsenal fan because of the golden-lock Emmanuel Petit

Can this be reason enough?

MU Baby Tee! Check out the tag... "Keep away from fire" *lol*
Thank You Kadazanmonk!! I lurrrrve the shirt (fit me bah) and you know pink (the rosary) is my colour.
So are you a footie-games fan?
Which one's your FAV team?
*Btw, Kadazanmonk say the parcel actually came in two parts! So one more parcel on the way!!!!!!!!! Hurry up Mr. Postman!!!
posted @ 5.8.08,
- At August 5, 2008 at 5:11 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says:
D Man.Utd T- shirt was d last 1 left so I grab it on the spur of d moment as I tho't that it s unique..tis one s made esp 4 d ladies:-) In my ignorance, i tho't that Man.Utd s a gentlemen's club and I was wrong. I'm glad that u like d T-shirt 'n' yes it does fit u perfectly inspite of the 5kg wt gain due 2 d makan spree...D contents of d other parcel has more suprises:-)Let's pray that d Postman s not tempted 2 pinch it...otherwise sayangggg... - At August 5, 2008 at 10:38 PM, said...
hello dawn!! an award for you! :D
- At August 6, 2008 at 12:32 AM, said...
nah, now u r MU fan oredi hehe....
- At August 7, 2008 at 8:00 AM, FloDawn said...
Kadazanmonk: Let's give Mr Postman benefit of the doubt first hehe... Thks for the pressies! Look fwd to unwrapping the 2nd parcel :D
Osindak: Thanks for the award!! Will collect it soon hehe.
June-Bong: Yeah, cos sure ppl think I am one when I wear the shirt kan hehe. - At August 7, 2008 at 10:54 AM, said...
Yep! it fit you right and red color looks great on you, not pink..hehe