Mini Reunion: Class of 1995 - 5 Science
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
As we had dessert, I conducted a simple "Friend Art' session... Each of us would draw a name and draw a potrait of that friend. After which, we all had fun guessing whose potrait it was. Below is mine drawn by Julie.
Looks like me ka? Well Jules, you got my humongous ears right :)
Our potrait was also for us to take home as a token or keepsake from this mini reunion.
The night cannot end without the compulsory 'Group Photo'...
The 10 of us... Hope the other 11 can make it for the next Reunion :)
Our class photo in 1994... can identify us 10 ka? Hehe... still look the same... Even better!

Later, after the bills were settled... Linda, Wen & me were treated to a nightcap by dear Clare, as a bribe to keep her company as she waited for her bro to pick her up *grin*
Till the next Reunion!
To view the whole photo... CLICK HERE!
Want more? Read the reunion coverage by Wendeth :)
posted @ 2.7.08,
- At July 2, 2008 at 3:24 PM, seventh said...
wey, u got the wrong caption ler.. the second last photo is for 5 Science, 1995 lar. hehehehe
- At July 2, 2008 at 3:25 PM, seventh said...
hahaha. why "our class photo in 1994"? salah tu..
- At July 3, 2008 at 10:42 AM, nobathroomnosink said...
eee sioks!!
- At July 4, 2008 at 5:28 AM, said...
Best nya dapat jumpa, I lost all my school friends.. tak tau p mana semua. I went to girls school too (St Ursula Convent).
- At July 4, 2008 at 8:11 AM, FloDawn said...
Seventh/Wen: Aiyaaaa... u knw la my poor memory dis hehe... My other 'confirm' form 5 pic with long hair n fringe confuse me bah... cos here my hair is much shorter, like my other pic in form 4 hmmm... heesh...
s'pollyanna: Hehe mmg sioks the place n wat more... ada gang gossip hahaha!
Queen B: That's sad u lost contact with ur girlfriends... susah us last time, cos we cannot exchange email add or hp number right. Paling-paling pun just exchange snail-mail add. And we usually loose the piece of paper the very next day :)