Prequel to the Harry Potter Phenomenon
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I caught the above fantastic headline in the paper a few days ago but just remembered to read the prequel just now, and mannnnn… how I missed the rush and excitement of wondering what will happen next to Harry and his magical world…
7 books is NOT enuf I say :~(
“From a prequel I am NOT working on – but that was fun!”
…was JK Rowling’s very word at the end of the story card.
Then why the tiny itsy bitsy bait? *grrrrr* we (FANS of the Potter series) want more!
Yeah, it was for a good and worthy cause (thanks to Waterstones for organizing it)
I suppose the prequel was better than nothing at all huh…
So in case any of you are a fan like me and missed this bit of exciting news, GO HERE to read on the prequel and lemme know what you guys think of it ya.
It was great to read and see a lil’ insight on how James Potter and Sirius Black were back in their teen and care-free days…
Then why the tiny itsy bitsy bait? *grrrrr* we (FANS of the Potter series) want more!
Yeah, it was for a good and worthy cause (thanks to Waterstones for organizing it)
I suppose the prequel was better than nothing at all huh…
So in case any of you are a fan like me and missed this bit of exciting news, GO HERE to read on the prequel and lemme know what you guys think of it ya.
It was great to read and see a lil’ insight on how James Potter and Sirius Black were back in their teen and care-free days…
James Potter and Sirius Black

posted @ 17.6.08,
- At June 17, 2008 at 8:24 PM, John Harding said...
Apa SocialSpark to Flo? howcome nowadays i feel that everyone is so terror terror one. I went to Ivy's blog and the photos taken were so PRO, Jesicca's blog with personal customized Background,'re mentioning something that makes me feel totally 'Jakun'..ehehe..
- At June 18, 2008 at 1:07 PM, said...
Harding, you are not the only jakun, here's another one, the queen konon.. but know nothing. hehehe