Cat's pic of the week (^-_-^)~
Friday, July 11, 2008
I want one!

So cuteeeee!
So playful ooh!
Ayoooo pandai poo-poo...
Look at 'em trying to catch the ball...
Yeah... the kitties turned me sappy with their playful antics.

Wanna visit them too?
They're at Pinnacle Pet Shop in Damai KKLand Building.
But they're NOT for sale according to their human daddy

And to take the cake... can see but cannot touch! *GRRRRRRRRrrrRrRrrR*
Needless to say, I took several majorly-cute vids of them kitties.
Part two will be aired next week... so stay tuned

posted @ 11.7.08,
- At July 12, 2008 at 3:03 AM, Ratu Syura said...
I want that grey one? Why la ndak jual?? Hmph! But too bad I'm allergic to cats anyways.. :P
- At July 13, 2008 at 1:04 PM, coolingstar9 said...
The two cats are so cute, I hope I can hug them.
I heard once we keep the cats as pets. other cats also know that we are cat-lovers.
Have a nice day, I have a simply game for you to play on my blog-who am I ? - At July 13, 2008 at 10:39 PM, FloDawn said...
Hi Syura: Dunno la y d owner dun want to sell hmmm... nvrm, the place is near my workplace. Gonna visit the kitties everytime I'm in the neighbourhood hehe :P
Hi CoolingStar9: Yep, dats y i get so many strays adopting me huh. Will drop by ur space soon!