Want to sell your goodies online?
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I bet there’s more than a few “yes” to the question posed above.
Next questions would be, how to install those cute shopping cart similar to the ones we see in Amazon or Ebay?
Fret no more… I've just discovered that there’s a Shopping cart software you can use to start selling your goodies online. The software fancier name is ecommerce software (^_^). Check out the link below.

The site offers great informations about starting your very own online store. The instruction also mentioned that you can even customize your design (to complement your site and goodies). How cool is that. There’s a 10 days free trial too for you to consider the shopping cart service.
I truly wish I'm one of those creative business people eg: jewelers, home-made cupcakes/cakes baker or a talented knitter so I can try out this Shopping cart software to sell my creation online *sigh*
posted @ 1.4.08,
- At April 2, 2008 at 12:58 PM, seventh said...
Meehoon beef soup. :)