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April Fool!

Hmmmm early morning Ms ECKB has given one to me… (-_-)

“Did anyone tell you anything about last night? Your dad knows about it too.” Was her intriguing sms…

“Tell me what?” A simple and innocent response from me.

And what do I get?

April Fool!


So beware people… It’s officially April Fool day this whole looong day. Mannnnn…

The Top 3 lame April Fool’s tricks/gimmicks I’d usually get (oh puh-leaseee)…

1) “Uh there’s a smudge on your cheek,” accompanied with great act of peering and deep frowning at the said area.
*Whatever you do… don’t TOUCH your cheek!*

2) “Eeeeh… your skirt’s dirty!”
(especially work real well if you’re coincidentally having your monthly friend) *for female only.

3) “Eh, got phone call for you.”
And yep, you bet… there’s no one on the other end. Your pathetic “Hello… hello…” would then be followed by loud snickering and gleeful laughter before an inevitable… “April’s Fool!” (-_-)

posted @ 1.4.08,


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