Happy Birthday Mich!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Happy Belated Birthday
(I know it’s a verrry belated one—her birthday was last 24th March 2008—but I was unable to find the time to sit long enough in front of my laptop to update my blog before today…)
Michelle is my cutest ever cousin, who has an uncanny resemblance to the Olsen twins. She’s even petite and verrry slim like them, and to top it off, has an enviable flatboard tummy! Arrgh I hate her! *kidding*

last minute *grrr* invitation to your birthday dinner at
Group photo with birthday girl (the only one sitting)
The fat slobs (as they claim to be *doh!*) enjoying their dessert.
Taken during dessert time... Everyone leaning against the table to hide *ehem* bloated tummy LOL!
Queen E and Princess Anne (of Sabah)
posted @ 28.3.08,
- At March 30, 2008 at 4:38 AM, said...
This is a comment fr Kadazanmonk. Why is U Mike trying to hide? He looked uncomfortable in the picture.As usual Oriana has a unique outfit.
- At March 31, 2008 at 11:34 AM, coolingstar9 said...
On the Mich's Birthday, I believe you ate a lot of foods.
Have a nice day.