My 'Cinderella' incident...
Thursday, February 19, 2009

I’ve got so much to share, but I just can’t seem to find the perfect time mmm…
But this funny incident that befallen me during lunch today just screamed to be shared haha!
Aunty J and I were walking out of a supermarket when…

My Vincci shoe did a ‘Cinderella’ on me…

meanwhile, have a great evening ahead!
posted @ 19.2.09,
- At February 19, 2009 at 4:49 PM, uji said...
nice pedicure!
- At February 24, 2009 at 3:10 PM, said...
OMG, that sure is every girl's nightmare! I remember I had this similar incident with my boots. My boots went all 'crocodile mouth' on me >:{ grr, I hadda drag my feet the whole way. Lucky thing it was at night and the clubbers around me were too busy dancing/drinking to notice. :] I agree with uji, gotta love your pedicure! Bright red. ^.-
- At February 25, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Unknown said...
duii..nasib ko ada spare kan flo..saya pun mau simpan spare di kereta la ni..bahaya
- At February 25, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Aunty J said...
hahaha...sorry I wasn't a sympathetic friend at that time as I was laughing away at your "cinderella 'incident ;p Anyway, to make u feel better..I've done a couple of "cinderella" stunts before too..had to drag one of my foot and bought a new pair...well, a good excuse to add to our shoes/sandals collection eh ;p
- At March 1, 2009 at 1:36 AM, FloDawn said...
Hewoo Uji! Thanks :) Nasib ngam2 my pedi oso up-to-date kekeke...
Boogie m'dear; u must hv looked like u were executing a cool dance move then hehehe... the draggin' ma food move kekeke :P
Neth :P itu la bah nasib I keep spare... if not whole day guna d slipar RM2 la haha!
Aunty J dear... Hmmmm u r naughty2 *sigh* But u r right *evil grin* now i have a valid reason to shop for a new shoe kekeke :D - At March 1, 2009 at 1:37 AM, FloDawn said...
Boogie... ooops! I meant... the 'draggin ma foot move'... typo error there hehehe
- At March 7, 2009 at 6:56 PM, John Harding said...
i had a similar incident but not with shoes...i was wearing my skinny pants (you know its very 'in' nowadays)...this tight pants breaks right in the middle when i was in coffee bean...actually after the coffee, i was supposed to meet my friends in the club, but i rushed home and sleep hahaha...
- At March 13, 2009 at 8:50 AM, FloDawn said...
My dear john boy aka harding; Walaah ... u so slim pun can koyak ur pants??? Hmmm must b ur perut buncit a bit after coffee bean tu heheh