Photography Workshop in Kudat
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tweety & myself were the working committee for a Photography Workshop held last 6 Dec in Kudat (yep, the extra workload from the workshop added to me having to neglect storymory...)
It was an eye opener to me on the subject photography itself... The art of taking photo is not as easy as I assume it to be! One of our speaker, Mr. Rabani, gave the participants their first assignment even before reaching Kudat.
"Take a photo that signifies Kg. Gombizau, a photo depicting its people and one on the honey-making business..." He said.
This is the pic I took to show 'honey-making business' by the Gombizau folks... Apparently this one it too COMMON. Will probably get a publisher go ballistic on me!
Personally, I likey this pic cos of that infectious smiley poster of Dicky Lee on the far right haha!

Can you guess what this photo supposedly be? Yeah.. the third assignment... a pic that depicts Gombizau peeps. I was fascinated with lil' Ellu here (it sounded like that when I asked him for his name) and his cute bare-feet. Quite a photogenic boy huh.
SO what's wrong with this pic?
Apparently too general and wide to matter. How to take a better pic of lil' Ellu then?

Take a close-up of him and a good backdrop. I decided the definition of the rumbia walled-house would make a great backdrop then.
What you guys think? Which photo of Ellu is better?
The star charm of lil' Ellu attracted Anna to take photos of him too... That's Borneotrekker in the pink top, checking if her photos turn out ok :)
Out workshop was conducted at Kudat Golf and Marina Resort, which has a great swimming pool!
In one of his session, Mr. Rabani displayed everyone's photo and commented on how to improve it further and why it was a weak one.
One thing he thought us was that we should always take the time to get to know our subject (our photo-snapping victim) and getting their permission to capture their photos.
On assignment by our two other speakers, Mr. Gimpas & Mr. Ahmad, seen here Mazran chatting up a makcik at Kudat's market while his teammate zack click away...
Meanwhile, Miss Storymory went hunting for the famous Kacang Kudat... RM4.00 for small packet and RM8 for the bigger one. It was drizzling the whole morning, so our kind bus driver lent the plastic raincoat to some of us. Smelled a little bit of dried prawn, but as I have a super sensitive head (almost instantaneous headache if kena hujan bah!)... I didn't mind.

Tweety was the celebrity du jour!
Another assignment for our avid photographers hehe...
The workshop took 2 days and a night... by the time we reach KK on the 7th Dec (Sunday), it was already dinner time... Kudat to KK is a 3hours journey. So super ravenous tweety treated me, Jen and Ulai to a most delicious dinner at Jothy in Api-Api Centre.
That's Tweety's fingers in the background. The puri set was my dinner.
We had loads of fun during the workshop. Photographers are the most easy-going and LEAST fussy group I've ever traveled with. Till the next photography workshop next year...
posted @ 22.12.08,
- At December 23, 2008 at 1:44 AM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: Welcome back!!!I like the first photo of Illu. Remind me of my black & white photo taken when i was his age. The Indian food look sedap indeed. U must take me to that restaurant the next time I come back to KK.
- At December 24, 2008 at 12:02 PM, seventh said...
mak oi. teda payung ka, flo?
habis jual kali kan. - At December 26, 2008 at 8:44 AM, FloDawn said...
Dear Kadazanmonk;
Hehe... Ellu is quite a photogenic lil' fella right ;-P Yeah, now that u mentioned it, I think there was one old photo of you in B&W which resembles a great deal of Ellu here kekeke...
Hewwooo Seventh @ Wendeth;
Incidentally, there was no payung sold at the market that time hehe... but a payung would have been in the way, and i suppose it's a new 'rainy day fashion' haha!