KL & Melaka Trip ...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I finally get a night free to catch up on poor storymory...
And not to mention read up on the happenings in friends' blog!
I've missed so much I know mmm...
(clearing spider webs and relocating a few grandma spiders too *koff koff*)
Gonna raid blogs soon hehe! Look out

But first, here's one of the few storymory I've been meaning to share...
*Be warn... it might get a bit lengthy... *
KL & Melaka Trip - 20th to 25th November 2008.
Mum, me & Iby (Dona) flew to KL for her graduation from Unitar (officially a teacher now). We stayed at Holiday Villa Hotel, Subang which has a very spacious room complete with sink at one corner. The pic still in my hp, so unable to share...
Graduation day was on 22nd Nov at PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre). But we had to come earlier for the rehearsal and for the robe.
This is the view inside PICC main hall during rehearsal. The whole rehearsal deal was kind of disorganized! And the guy yapping away on the mike had this shrieky high pitch voice *sigh*
22nd Nov... D-Day!
Taken on stage after the pomp and ceremony ended. Those teddy-bear bouquet cost a bomb! At least it won't wilt like live flowers. Congrats to Iby!
Couldn't get a bird-view pic of PICC building... so a miniature is good enough to show how it looked like ya. Kind of reminds me of China's Bird Nest Stadium hehe...
The next day we relocated to Hotel Capitol. The rest of the time was spent exercising our legs at the guise of window-shopping at the various shopping complexes. How come I don't feel any lighter?
On 24th Nov we rented a tourist van and a driver-cum-guide to take us to Melaka... One of the states I've never stepped foot in before this. Took 2hours to drive from KL to Melaka.
My impression? Lovely landscaping and generally clean. Modern and Old-Days at the same times... a charming blend. Not the place if you want to shop... But great for photo-taking and learning about one of the most famous state in our country's history book.
Hang Li Po's Well.
For the chinese princess' exclusive use and later became the only source of water during great droughts. It has a reputation as a wishing well too... but I only knew this after we left the place *darn!*
Next to the well site is this chinese temple...
The stair in the background leads to Stadthuys, built in 1650 as the official residence of Dutch Governors and their officers. Our guide pronounced it something like 'stad-hai'. This pic is of mum & a floral-decorated beca.
Adjacent to Stadthuys is 'Christ Church Melaka', built by the Dutch.
Along the right side of the church are colourful stalls selling souvenirs. With so many tourist that day I am amazed none was captured in this pic! Makes the place look desserted huh.
In front of the church is this signature clock tower.
Further up hill is Admiral Cheng Ho Cultural Museum, displaying about 2000 historical items related to the admiral and the Ming Dynasty (15th century).
Much further up at St. Paul's Hill is St.Paul's Church, built by the Portuguese. The white statue is of St. Francis Xavier (note the statue's right hand is missing! Mr Driver-cum-guide say the real St F. Xavier was actually missing a limb too, but the statue lost it's hand when a random thunder hit it. Dunno how true lar)
Upon entering the church's ruin, this is the view that you'll get.
Several Tombstones with Dutch words engraving leaning against both side of the wall. Mr driver-cum-guide said the Dutch converted the church to burial ground after taking over power from the Portuguese (The Dutch built Christ Church as their praying place instead)
Frontal view...
The most well-known Melaka Landmark... the A'Famosa at Porta de Santiago. It was the fortress of the Portuguese, badly damaged when the Dutch invaded in 1641.
I imagine it to be a lot bigger than it actually is. Looks larger than life on telly tho.
When stomach start to grumble-grumble... Mr. Driver-cum-guide suggested this restaurant for delicious authentic Baba-Nyonya dishes *yum!*
The menu.
Simple looking dishes... but the taste *WOWZEES!*
Most of the dishes have nice sour taste to it. I want more!
Famous sambal... sedap oooooo!
After lunch, took a good walk around Jonker street which is just around the corner from the restaurant. The street reminds me of Chow Rasta Road in Penang. Varieties of unique items being sold... food, souvenirs... collectibles... etc.
Saw this in one of the shops... mahal oo! RM190++.
Then we had this... Bibik cendol * yum!*
After rounding up a few other places of interest, we call it a day and head back to KL.
Can you count how many were ZzzzZZzzzzz?
Haha! This gotta be my fav pic!

Fly home on 25th Nov. Tireeeeeed...
posted @ 10.12.08,
- At December 11, 2008 at 4:58 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk Says: My congratulations to our Iby 4 her Bachelor in Education Degree n with honours too. Wow the nyonya dishes looks sooo delicious....anyway I'm glad that you enjoy ur trip to Malacca...a pity u did not catch Dato' Shah Rukh Khan:-)
- At December 12, 2008 at 12:08 AM, Tweety Muttley said...
Why do we need to go else where for holidays? Malaysia too has it.. It's beautiful!
So when you visit Malacca... a mustache grows, is it? She does look pretty in it,tho!! ha..ha...
I am waiting to hear the rest of it... - At December 12, 2008 at 10:51 PM, Dora A-Erb said...
Congratulations Flodawn... you did it. Hey, I enjoyed reading your "story-mory" and looking at those pictures... thanks for sharing.
- At December 13, 2008 at 12:07 AM, FloDawn said...
Dear KadazanMonk;
Dato SRK was knighted after we're long back in KK lar. The BabaNyonya dishes were indeed OPOTO!
If you hv the chance must try it!
Dear Tweety;
U're indeed right... our country has much to offer in term of good places for holidaying... especially in this time of recession...
Just waiiiiit... more storymory coming. I knw which story you're waiting to read abt haha!
Hiya Dora!
Thanks! But it's my sister who graduated actually hehe :P Me left Uni days donkey years ago. Gosh! Am old ody :(
Glad you enjoyed my storymory hehe :)Always happy to see you here. - At December 15, 2008 at 9:25 PM, John Harding said...
you left Uni with me flo...!! we're so old already...ngam to sing oldies songs haha.. btw.. i baru want to show off my Christmas photos( our fav event when we were in Uni) tapi tengok tengok kamu ada post pengembaraan yang lebih mencabar