Kudat Trip with TweetyMuttley
Monday, November 17, 2008
Hewoooo guys! Sorry for being quiet lately... I've not been able to sit still long enough to blog though I've got tonnes to share...

First thing first, Tweety and I drove up to Kudat yesterday for work purpose and we're safely back at 4.00pm++ today. The journey took about 3hours from KK to Kudat, and back again

And you can bet, traveling with Tweety can be full of adventure! A normal boring trip can end up being an extraordinary one...

Despite nursing a swollen (which has since got cured) big toe (due to an ingrown nail)... Tweety was a champion driver. With her favourite Malayam (hey Tweety, is this the right spelling?) songs blarring and her shiny brown sport shoes on, off we go to Kudat at 3.00pm++ yesterday. Reach the Golf & Marina Resort at roughly 6.00pm.
I was having great fun capturing Tweety's take of the trip...
We had a first class parking space right in front of the Korean flag (i think)...
and I discovered Tweety had a verrry unique luggage! She forgot she had a normal one back home hehehe...

We were verrry farmished by the time we were done checking ourselves in... But Tweety only had this to say...

The next day, after wrapping up the 'work' part of our trip, we were off again to another day of adventure. Thinking of our darling friends back in the office, we thought we ought to grab some nice Kudat signature oleh-oleh... Aaah kacang Kudat mari... sedap! *thumbs up!*
Then I saw this in one of the stall... the cute girl manning the stall said it's called kuih bandam (well, it sounded like that) or corn-pie. I remember this kuih from forevertulip and was verrry curious to try it. I got Tweety to eat it as well hehe! It's simply delish!!!!!! I like! Tweety of the discerning tongue also approved.
Here's Tweety and me enjoying the kuih... Again... Tweety caught me at a bad angle!
Before bidding sayonara to Kudat, we searched for the old Kudat Resthouse which Tweety remembered staying in back in 1974++ when she was still a naughty little girl. And hurray! We found it!

On the way back to KK, Tweety got me almost bankrupt buying all sort of stuff... Forgot to take pictures though. Here's one of Tweety in one of our stops along the way.
All in all, we had a great trip and even had time to appreciate nature's beauty spread before us as we drove home

posted @ 17.11.08,
- At November 18, 2008 at 9:14 AM, said...
Looks like fun lah!! THAT is a luggage bag???
- At November 18, 2008 at 9:30 AM, Aunty J said...
Wow! What a sophisticated luggage!! harharhar....typical Tweety Mutley ;p
- At November 22, 2008 at 3:57 AM, Tweety Muttley said...
Okay! Dawny! I see that you all got this time....
You can start your count down...
hmmm..mmm... Aunty J....hmmmmm...
This means "watch out!"
Hey, Dawny! thanks for all that lovely birthday treat! - At November 25, 2008 at 6:46 PM, John Harding said...
So typical Flo.. always fun being around her..there's always something to laugh at or to talk about..