5kg heavier
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

This is what I get for getting 5kg heavier!

The aftermath of my B-Day last Friday...
My B-Day morning didn't feel like a birthday-morning...
We had an important event to over-see at 10am...
So that was pretty much in my mind.

Then at about 8.50am (in office), dear not-very-good-at-acting TweetyMuttley provided some amusement ...
Aunty J was her usual deadpan self... like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
But dear tweety let out the 'secret' through her self-conscious mumblings!
Tweety: (Holding a bag) "Aunty J ordered these for Ethan..."
So of course my curiosity was peaked.
Me: "I'm curious. What have you (Aunty J) got for Ethan again now?" I stood up to snoop.

(Aunty J, Birthday girl & TweetyMuttley)
Thanks guys!
(Whiteboard full of my life commentary as told by TweetyMuttley)
(Floral body-spray & bracelet hanger. On right... fully utilized right away!)
After the 'event' at 10am was over... aha! My B-day felt more festive.
Aunty F insisted I spent the Friday looong lunch hour at her home.
And well... we had these...

The candle was a self-alighting sort.
So I had to keep blowing till the wax's all gone.
Thanksssssss guys!
My cheek slimmer after all the blowing.
The Oreo cheese cake from Coffee Bean was as expected irresistible...
Gone in a matter of minutes.
When I reached home... Another errrr cake... a unique one, greeted me

Treated my family to Pizza for dinner (mum's choice).
Saturday... I felt the weight all over my body.
Must diet. Reduce carbo. Must diet. Reduce carbo.

Then Monday... dear Irene S left this as a belated birthday gift.
(Karlfazer pure premium milk chocolates... I looove!)
My used-to-be verrry loose pant fitted me snuggly

But all in all... my B-Day was Fun-Filled & did not left me wanting for anything else.
So THANKS to all of you who shared it with me.
And yes, it means YOU TOO

YOU blogger-friends who left comments of wonderful birthday wishes last Friday.
posted @ 30.7.08,
- At July 30, 2008 at 11:19 AM, RiccLee said...
Good luck in ur diet.. Hari Raya and X'mas is coming soon.. :D
- At July 30, 2008 at 11:46 AM, said...
Happy birthday!! OMG, sorry, I didn't know it was your birthday lah.. Aiyo, 5kg only~~ don't be sad. I gained 10kg, even WORSE!!!
Good luck in your diet, coz I know it's not easy. LOL! :P - At July 31, 2008 at 3:10 PM, said...
LOL!!! The Durian Cake is damn creative. Who would've thought of doing that. SEDAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!! XD XD XD
- At July 31, 2008 at 11:47 PM, said...
bah flo...5kg only...not obvious in u...i dont see any difference pun in ur pic..u still look the same.... :))
ur 5kg is nothing compared to my case huhu ;p - At August 1, 2008 at 3:28 AM, said...
Kadazanmonk comments: I like the durian b'thday cake..very creative. My bthday gifts 2 u will be late as it is a long way fr england.I laugh when i saw the bracelet hanger cos u'll expect a lot of made-in Lourdes bracelets amg my gifts. U'll hve a day trying them on:-)
- At August 1, 2008 at 8:35 AM, FloDawn said...
RiccLee: Thanks for 'reminding' me of the upcoming festive seasons... valid reason again to EAT kan... Gosh better make room in tummy now.
Cindy: No worries hehe... Siok oso get belated wishes hehe. And thanks for trying to cheer me up by claiming u gained 10kg. Really meh? Mcm teda pun hehe. Else it would be all over ur blog haha!
Fara: Yep, I had a good laugh myself when I saw the 'cake'. Mebbe this will be the new trend ya haha! No need waste time to cut cut cut.
June-Bong: Aaah photos can be deceiving hehehehe... U keep saying u fatty2 but I only see sexy Ju-Bong!
KadazanMonk: Am so EXCITED now!!!!! Hurry up Mr Postman!!!!! Anyway, THANKS A BUNCH in advance XD XD XD XD - At August 22, 2008 at 9:00 AM, said...
Gosh I finally have a chance to catch up on my blog-reading and I see I've missed a lot these few weeks.. I'm glad you had a nice birthday... Where was I??? Must have buried myself in work again. Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday!!!