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Curiosity kills the cat

"True love is like a Ghost; which everyone talks about and
few have seen."

- Francois, duc de la Rochefoucauld.

What a lovely and astute quote...
Every Sunday our family makes it a point to gather at my grandparents abode which is conveniently just next door to my house :) Last night, as all my aunts, uncles and family were able to come, we made a really huge group.
As is natural when a group of cousins get together, all sorts of topic under the Sun were discussed. And one topic in particular was 'ghost'. My family has an interesting 'paranormal' background which commands to be told in a separate story... so well, as it goes my bro who is cursed (or is it blessed?) with second sight tried a theory; using handphone cam in night mode to see the unseen!
Curious, we (the cousins) gathered at the verandah and focused the handphones toward the roadside on 'night mode' viewing. Crazy and silly yeah... but then curiosity kills the cat right?... We definitely saw something suspicious and got goosebump all over *fuh!*. It looked like greyish shadows crossing the road to me though. Bro said in 'naked eye' viewing the 'thing' is greenish in colour.
Mmmmm I'd stick to just watching "Ghost Whisperer". No more 'night mode' viewing for me.


posted @ 22.10.07,


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