Tip #1: Watermelon's magic
Monday, October 08, 2007

Have you guys ever lamented on re-washing plates, glasses, spoons etc because the oily feel is still there?
Try using watermelon (just swipes the fruit all over the oily surface) to get a squeaky oil-free plates, glasses, spoon ... it really works! If you don't believe, there's one way to find out ;-P
Try using watermelon (just swipes the fruit all over the oily surface) to get a squeaky oil-free plates, glasses, spoon ... it really works! If you don't believe, there's one way to find out ;-P
I stumbled upon the 'watermelon's magic' by accident in 1996. I was doing my first year matriculation in SBPL (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Labuan) then. We were not provided any spoon or fork to use for eating, so I had to bring my own from home as I was not adept at eating with my hands (how to scoop the gravy?). There was no detergent or liquid dish washer provided to clean our spoons. Almost everyday our fruit of the day was either a few slices of watermelon or bananas. Not liking my spoon to stink and have that oily feel, I started saving the bottoms of my watermelon slices to clean my spoon thinking that the fruit's mild frangrance might somehow camouflage any food smell. I used it as a soap for my hands as well hehe...
Then, Eureka! I realised that watermelon can wash oily surfaces effectively!
This amazing tip actually helped in an uncle's wedding reception. There were sooooOooOOoo many guests that the Tun Fuad hall was next to bursting at the seam!! And there were more guest seen trying to park their vehicles outside the hall! I was one of the drinks server on-duty... but due to low man-power at the bar table, I was absorbed as barmaid and delegated to the task of washing the plastic cups as there were not enough cups to carter to the extraordinary amount of guests. Some cups were very oily, but thanks to some slices of watermelon *grin* the situation was under control.
Maybe this tip can be of help to someone reading this hehe... or some inovative person may come up with watermelon juice liquid washer; to combats any oily surface!
Then, Eureka! I realised that watermelon can wash oily surfaces effectively!
This amazing tip actually helped in an uncle's wedding reception. There were sooooOooOOoo many guests that the Tun Fuad hall was next to bursting at the seam!! And there were more guest seen trying to park their vehicles outside the hall! I was one of the drinks server on-duty... but due to low man-power at the bar table, I was absorbed as barmaid and delegated to the task of washing the plastic cups as there were not enough cups to carter to the extraordinary amount of guests. Some cups were very oily, but thanks to some slices of watermelon *grin* the situation was under control.
Maybe this tip can be of help to someone reading this hehe... or some inovative person may come up with watermelon juice liquid washer; to combats any oily surface!
posted @ 8.10.07,