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Mere male

In my previous company (been a year plus since I resigned) we used to get our office boy Timsun (unique name eh) to 'tapau' us lunch.

One fine evening, myself, Christine and mere male were having a small feast in my L-shaped office room. It was something with gravy and oily, but I can't exactly recall... curry? Anyway, a droplet of the oily gravy landed on mere male's pristine shirt. Concerned it would stain permanently, he asked us ladies what to do.

"Sunlight should do the job," we both suggested. And mere male hurried out to save his shirt.

4 minutes passed, and mere male was not back. Curious, Christine and I got out and found him not anywhere in the restroom. Where was he? We called out to him.

"It's not working," we heard his terse reply. Mere male was standing by the pantry window, holding the stained part of his shirt toward the sunbeam coming through!

"Not sun light literally! We meant sunlight... the liquid dishwasher kept in the restroom lar hahahahahahahar!"

What a good laugh we all had over the silly misunderstanding.

posted @ 7.10.07,


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