Swallowed a fat toad...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Like I swallowed a fat kicking and scrambling toad...
Thanks for all the good advices in yesterday's post ya... I did try one or two.
During lunch time yesterday I bought a nice smelling lemon to make a cup of lemon tea. But in my enthusiasm, I think I squeezed too much juice cos' my tea turn out to give me facial-exercise instead! So sour!

Just cos it's my creation, I manfully drank half of the cup... cannot go on ler... it got more sour as I drank on!
Having failed with the lemon tea, I then bought the famous cough syrup 'Cap Ibu dan Anak', Orange flavoured Scott Emulsion (I know it's too late at this stage) and Milidon (in case I become feverish).
After a good night sleep, woke up this morning with the toad still stuck in my throat... but luckily the hint of fever I felt last night dissolved to just a touch of lethargy...

Hope Mr. Toad leave sooooooon... Hate being sick... but if I can still walk, I'd avoid seeing a doc. I know, I'm that stubborn...

posted @ 22.10.08,
- At October 22, 2008 at 1:14 PM, said...
f.btq here: Hai Bonnie Taylor! heh.heh wat a coincidence yun yun n wei wei gt d same problem..1 wk rest 4 them..x school. My advice 2 u s get enuf sleep , rest aand C doctor f u 1 2 get wel soon.
- At October 22, 2008 at 2:01 PM, RiccLee said...
Toad can cause sickness?
- At October 22, 2008 at 3:29 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: Go and see the doctor. I just cannot help being amused by your used of vocabularly in describing ur awful condtion...u say 'manfully' instead of 'womanfully' or better still using the inclusive language 'humanfully'...hehehe. The feminist bugs has not infected u yet... Anyway, drink a lot of warm H2O,get enough sleep,less talking and take sick leave.
- At October 22, 2008 at 5:37 PM, seventh said...
my very first tag to u. check it out.
- At October 23, 2008 at 12:13 AM, CJane said...
Eh... I'm confused. Does a toad tastes sour??
- At October 23, 2008 at 1:29 PM, FloDawn said...
Hi f.btq :)
Am loooking fwd to the long weekend for a much needed rest & sleep. Hope by next week I'll be tip-top again :D
Hi Ricclee;
Hehe... The itchiness in my throat makes me feel like there's a toad in there causing the itchy feeling.
Dear KadazanMonk;
Thks for the advise... am taking so much water I'm worried my bladder might so on strike hehe.
Thks for the tag :) Putting it up soon!
Hewo Ethel;
Heheheh ... the scratchy itchy feel in my throat makes me feel like a toad is tickling maybe my voice box or something :D