Breast Cancer Awareness Tag

The FIRST tag from Miss Seventh for me… This is for a good cause, so why not?
First saw it at Bobidom’s (who is the pretty-creative creator actually). As usual, here’s the rule;
  1. Firstly, you need to copy the logo into your blog.
  2. Secondly, add a link to the person who shared it with you.
  3. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers
  4. Add links to these blogs on your blog - 1. Fara, 2. massy 3. Noy 4. DorisJ 5. Seventh
  5. Lastly, leave a message for your nominee on their blog that they've been tagged.
Hmmm nominate 7? Still not in the right frame of mind to do so at the moment… So just these 3 wonderful ladies oso can lar ah… Anies, Osindak & Neneth.

posted @ 23.10.08,


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