Hair Make-over!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Yay! I got a FREE hair digital perm-ing last Friday.

There was a beauty & saloon exhibition being held inside our office building from Tuesday of last week till Saturday. Initial round up did not catch my fancy as most of the stuff on display or for sales were hairs

Then one of the booth was doing demos on the function and method of using the digital-perm machine and so needs real hair model. Finding out it's for free, me and another cute blogger unashamedly agreed to be hair-model'!
Won't you?
I mean, I heard the hair-guy was from KL and so for him to come down and do demos, I figured he must be quite good (usually I’m verrry fussy and reserved about who touch my hair coz of my bad-saloon-hair phobia). I suppose one look at my gloriously unruly and shapeless mane got the hair-guy hands itching to snip-snip-snip!

"Your hair soooo thick have to trim before perm," was his very word.
Sure enough, by the time he finished ‘trimming’ my hair, I was shock to see the amount of hair (balls) on the floor! So much hair it’s probably enough to make a cute toupee!
Alas… I didn’t bring my cam with me. But fortunately several wonderful colleagues caught me in the act hehe! Anyways… for today, I can only share this pic of me and the hair-guy in action (pic courtesy of spiritofeast). Will post the end result photo later when I get it from another colleague who took it with her cam

posted @ 3.11.08,
- At November 3, 2008 at 11:20 PM, said...
heh, still remember when first met u in USM, u got some funny hair-do n need a hat to cover ur head. only later to find out it was aso a free hair cut by ur aunty. hopefully this time better outcome. beware all cheapskate.. :)
G - At November 4, 2008 at 5:38 AM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: Never heard of Digital perm b4. I cannot wait 2 see the outcome. I heard fr mumchee that ur Digital hair caused a sensation in the church and elsewhere.Hurry up and post the latest version of ur Digital hair.
- At November 4, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Agnes CF Lee said...
Can't wait to see your new hairdo..
- At November 4, 2008 at 3:21 PM, FloDawn said...
Hi G :)
Gosh u still rmmber dat hairdo? Haha!
Well am happier will this one hehe.
Dear KadazanMonk... here it is... pls dun tell me i look matured!
Hie Agnes C :P
Hehe wat u think my new hairdo? But now ody wilting la the curl... ody tone down after several nights sleeping on it haha.