Congratulations are in order...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Hewooo peeps… My blogging mood is somewhat affected by the dreary weather lar… been cloudy then thunderstorm in the evening lately here… siooooksss to ZZzzzzzz…
Anywayssss, there are two ‘congratulations’ in order…

Firstly…to Chun-chun on his Confirmation last Saturday… nah Chun, you’re a Soldier in Christ’s Army ody!

L-R: Aunty F, Wei-wei, Chun-chun, yours truly and Astrid
Secondly…to both Chun-chun & Wei-wei for obtaining their Junior Black-Belt in Taekwondo last Sunday… Oooooh I feel safer with two able bodyguards hahar!

And let’s not forget those who are sitting for the PMR… (my bro & Pam are two people in the family taking this exam this year)… incidentally they both started using spectacles just last month, probably from all the ‘burning the midnight oil’ last minute frantic studying kekeke! Imagine going back to those days of study-exams urgh! O well, today’s already the 2nd last day… they’ll soon be liberated… Merdeka!
posted @ 16.10.08,
- At October 16, 2008 at 3:44 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: My congratulations to Chun2 & Wei2 4 getting their black belts. An excellent achievement for them and family's pride. Wow that is really a powerful kick!!!How about putting Tai & Pam Pixs in ur blog. I want to see their new look wit their state of the art glasses. Since Tai & Pam are the family's Scholars I hav no worry over their PMR performance. It will be just like minum tea 4 them...but I'm dead sure they still put up an effort..just to be on the safe side:-).
- At October 16, 2008 at 9:42 PM, John Harding said...
flow...first pic..bahaya tu kayu yang that girl pegang.. kasi pegang betul betul...salah cucuk nanti
- At October 17, 2008 at 7:00 AM, Anies Azeera said...
Congratulations to Chun-chun & Wei-wei. Wah.., 2 black belts in the family... great achievement!
- At October 17, 2008 at 8:11 AM, FloDawn said...
Dear KadazanMonk;
Hehe somehow i knew u were gonna ask for Tai & Pam's pic with their spec on (doh!) I see if I'll manage to catch them both with the spec on cos it has a tendency to be kept away *tsk-tsk*
Harding (John-boy);
Fancy u noticing the 'batang kayu'... aiyaaa... it won't 'poke' anything ler, as in actual fact it's positioned way in front that :P That's suppose to be a princess' magical wand y'know hehe...
Hi Anies!
Hehe now got 2 designated 'bodyguard' kunun... yet to be tested that hahar! - At October 22, 2008 at 4:40 PM, said...
Yo yo yo. :p Congrats to the dynamic duo, Wei Wei and Chun Chun. HAHAs yeah that stick sure looks dangerous >:D HELL no I wouldn't poke my beloved cousin! HeeHee Mum-Z looks so cute. Love the boots! <3