A HandBag Revealed
Sunday, October 05, 2008
I was grinning to myself reading about the mysterious content of Nessa's handbag, and was keen to check out the other links leading to more 'handbags exposure'

OMGosh! Yes!
I'm sort of excited to do this tag (thanks Nessa!), but there is also risk of a slight backfire... people might either admire, be hugely amused or (gasp!) snickers at what I'd be exposing here! I don't mind the first or second reaction. But if I were to get this tag a month ago, I can positively say the reaction would have been the third. You see, I’ve just changed handbag from my goody-ol’ trusty one which I sayaaaang but koyak-rabak ody bah… So nasib oso lah cos if not maybe I’d give this tag a miss!

Enuf of the preliminaries hehe... Now on to the good stuff...
So what does this tag entail?
The instructions;
Find a safe quiet place free of significant other, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general (huyooo! only place i could think of is my bedroom)
- Dump the contents of your handbag in a pile (yeah, I'm too lazy to organize it nicely...)
- Take a photo of your handbag and the contents (this is easy)
- Be brave and explain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the handbag (gulp!)
- Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves
- Answer these questions :~
My daily necessities (which I tried to kasih kurang periodically, but always seem to magically find it ways back inside in the end);
Dark Brown Balenciaga Wallet, which has been with me for 4 years now. Chose the colour brown cos I read somewhere that brown wallet augurs good money fortune hehe...
- Zebra coin purse (wallet cannot hold too many coins)
- 'Go Green with Watsons' expandable bag to reduce/avoid shopping plastic usage (such small effort can go a long way also mah kan)
- Two pendrives
- My lil' black book to store any info I don't want to misplace (that's what would happen if I were to write on a piece of paper)
- Tweety Bird note book (to write temporary notes/ reminder etc...)
- Black pen for obvious reason.
- Pink handyplast (one just never know when it's needed)
- Several packs of tissue
- Wet tissue
- Clean & Clear face blotter (my face tend to get real oily in the evening)
- Pink lipstick box (a gift from Aunty J) and Silkygirl Lippy (inside)
- Contact Lense solution
- Handphone charger
- HappyDent chewing gums (to freshen my mouth after lunch)
- Office key and tag
- My black-pinky coloured Nokia handphone (chose one of the thinnest model in hope to make more space in my poor handbag)
- Sanitary pads (inside bag side pocket, not seen in the piles above. very important woman item to have at hands at all times)
- Car keys (not in pic.... forgot to include oo)
- Digi Cam (not in pic cos am using it to capture the photos!)
Definitely my lil' handphone & wallet... if can squeeze a third item, it'd be my car key lar hehe...
What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbag?
Hmmm... I'm not particularly embarrassed of any of the stuff inside my bag, they're all necessary to me (with varying range of importance lar). Otherwise what for me cram it in?
What's the smallest thing in your handbag?
Pendrives :)
Is there anything illegal in your handbag?
Naw... as Mary Poppin put it... "Am a gud gurl I'yam..."
Now... for the moment I've been waiting for!!!
I chose these ladies to do this tag next simply cos' they carry humongous handbags! From pure curiosity and siok-ness, let's find out what lurks inside ... Aunty J & Strictpollyana (who both own HUGE flaming red handbags) and dear Sinduts (who seems to carry more than one bags sometimes hmmm)... Nah ladies, must expose the truth ah hehehhe...
posted @ 5.10.08,
- At October 6, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Sindut said...
Tukoi girl! You give me work to do aaaah... SIGH! Thanks and I hope I can fulfill your wish asap!
- At October 6, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Aunty J said...
Oh nooooooooo...my super messy hangbag have to be revealed to the whole world no thanks to youuuuu....eeeeekkkk...oh dear oh dear...hehehe...
- At October 6, 2008 at 10:29 PM, Nessa said...
Hi Flo :D
Thanks for being a sport ah :) Ya bah, if not for dis tag, no way can see whats inside our handbags kan ... hehe
I see tweety bird and Sylvester... peminat Loony Tunes ya :) The chewing gums are a good idea, maybe I should keep some in my handbag too! - At October 7, 2008 at 8:22 AM, FloDawn said...
Sindut & Aunty J; Am loooooking forward to your 'handbag exposure' this hehe... mau tinggu APA bah inside that heavy bags kamurang muahahahhahaha!!
- At October 7, 2008 at 8:24 AM, FloDawn said...
Hi Nessa :P Thanks for the tag again hehe... ada peluang mau intai inside other ladies punya handbag kan sioksss :P Actually my colleague bah yg peminat tweety dat hehe, me just get tissue with the cartoon to 'undai-undai' her kekeke.
- At October 7, 2008 at 9:07 AM, nobathroomnosink said...
hahahahahah..be afraid be very afraidddd.....my handbag equivalent to a lil' mini market
- At October 14, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Jessica said...
Hahaha! Flo, your handbag is so neat. I dare not expose mine cause it is full of funny stuff.... and lots of make-up stuff. I agree with you the most important item is handphone n wallet, but also lipstick, lipbalm, compact powder, blusher,etc.... now u know why i have huge bag.