'Curi Tiram' in my mind...
Monday, July 21, 2008
This one funny episode keeps coming back to me all through the weekend.

Yep, it’s about ‘curi tiram’ (stealing Oyster)
It happened several years ago during a youth committee meeting which a fresh-out of school me was the newly elected secretary.

The youth coordinator was listing out and discussing all the activities we were to be involved in that month.
I was not familiar with most of the activities suggested.
At one time, Mr. Coordinator mentioned a very intriguing activity…
‘curi tiram’.
He said it was for a good cause and will be lots of fun for us to participate.
I asked the fellow next to me, but I remembered the person was unsure how this ‘curi tiram’ activity works as well.

So I just jot down whatever was being said like a good secretary.

The following meeting, as we were going through the minute…
Mr. Coordinator suddenly burst out laughing… the laugh-till-tears-come-out-shoulder-shaking-but-no-sound kind…

“Apa ini ‘curi tiram’?” (What’s this ‘curi tiram’?) he asked once he was able to control himself (barely).
Perplexed, I explained that it was one of the fun activities he mentioned in the last meeting.
Another bout of hard laughter… the rest, to my relief was also equally puzzled.
“Bukan curi tiram bah….” (not ‘curi tiram’)
So what?

* Now that I’m older and wiser, I now know he meant the Sutera Harbour 7km Charity Run*

posted @ 21.7.08,
- At July 21, 2008 at 4:58 PM, queen quirin said...
hahahahahahahahahahahaha siapa your coordiator tue dawn? kesin dia sakit perut ketawa. hahahahahahaaaaaahahahaha
- At July 21, 2008 at 11:22 PM, FloDawn said...
Hahahha that was like 4 or 5 years ago Quirin :) I am sure you knw Mr Coordinator. Name start with the letter 'I' :D
- At July 22, 2008 at 8:00 AM, seventh said...
gosh! lets hear it...
*curi tiram* = *charity run*
hahha. little, i guess. - At July 22, 2008 at 11:47 AM, JBC said...
Thanks for telling me about featured blog, but I haven't seen it hehehe.. was kid of busy today with the kids... Thank you so much and was here today.
- At July 22, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Lee said...
Hi, nice blog you have...love your "churi tiram"...ha ha.
Bet everytime you have oysters you'll think of that.
Have a great week and best regards, Lee. - At July 22, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Agnes CF Lee said...
older n wiser now ya..but it was a good laugh though, if i was there i will be laughing till i drop, hhaaaa
- At July 23, 2008 at 4:09 AM, said...
Hello, wanna exchange links? If you are interested, just put my blog in your list and leave a message in my blog with your anchor text and link. I will add you once I receive your message.