Tawau Trip: Part 2
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The last time I landed in Tawau was like 2 years ago, and it boggles my mind that I couldn’t recall the airport at all! No sense of deja vu or any recollection that I've been there before. Is my memory going mush? Huh I’ll need to take gingko biloba before long then.
Our SO in Tawau, Sulaiman, fetched us (me, Cin & Dave) at the airport around 11am last 16th April. Uniform palm oil trees decorated both side of the road as we zoomed out of the airport compound. Took 25 mins to reach town area by which I was yawning profusely. Something about the motion of a moving car rock me to dreamland faster than a lullaby hehehe… That’s me, I can sleep at a drop of a hat. But not when I’m the driver ya.
This is where we stayed.
Me fascinated with …
The hotel awning railing... so flowery...
Our room toilet wall paneling (^_^) Love the lil' flower detail.
Then we were ready for business… the exhibition.This is where the exhibition was held.
Exhibition underway.
Crowd at our humble booth… The market closes around 5pm++… the same time the exhibition ends on each day (17 & 18 Apr). Cin & I had to steal a bit of time and rush for the goodies-buying-spree on Friday… Such a colourful market… with lots of snacks to choose from and fresh raw food galore...
posted @ 23.4.08,
- At April 23, 2008 at 3:39 PM, said...
Beli ikan masin, jgn tak beli!! Hahahaha!
- At April 23, 2008 at 5:10 PM, said...
Siapa yang boring di Tawau tu, the bird or you.... Mesti you because you missed someone di KK kan kan kan..? heee
- At April 24, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Ratu Syura said...
I haven't been in Tawau in ages!! The airport is definitely different.. I can't even remember when the last time was.. It still has a great place in my heart tho cuz I was born there and raised there for a while.. *sigh* memories....
- At April 24, 2008 at 1:00 AM, FloDawn said...
Cin: Uhuuu I didn't get the ikan masin... just the ikan bilis & udang kering Tawau. Never knew these cost a mini-fortune!
Queen B: Me & companion were bored to death waiting for the time to board ooo... got tips to occupy time ka? hehehe
Ratu: Tawau seems much developed compared to the Tawau i remembered when I visited the first time more than a decade ago hehe. Ooo u were born in Tawau pulak :) - At May 24, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Monica said...
Hi!!! I'm from Tawau but never been to Heritage Hotel...*shame* Anyway, nice blog you have here ;-)