I'm in LURVEE! <3 <3 <3
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The IE* kept hanging and was very slow to upload last Monday. Even after giving my pc the standard virus and spyware treatments, it was still frustrating (that day lar). So as an alternative, I switched to MF** and pages were uploading faster.yay!
One thing, somehow my new ‘face-lift’ looks much better on MF as compared to in IE (-_-) So now I prefer to view my blog on MF hehe…
And then… I FELL in LURRRVEEE… in love with (see the pic below) ...
One thing, somehow my new ‘face-lift’ looks much better on MF as compared to in IE (-_-) So now I prefer to view my blog on MF hehe…
And then… I FELL in LURRRVEEE… in love with (see the pic below) ...
What? You don’t understand? Grrrrr… here… see RED arrow for humongous clue!

Still cannot see? Here's a close up then...

I LURVEE MF because of those CUTE CATS icons! Awwwwww… Happier doing work this way! lol!
* Internet Explorer
** Mozilla FireFox
posted @ 13.3.08,
- At March 13, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Aunty J said...
You cat woman you!!;p