Story mory had a FACELIFT!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Ta - da! Behold Story mory's new look :)
Wellll... still need a little bit more fine tuning (due to miss story mory's limited know-how), but things will fall into places in good time ya hehe... *with a lil' help from some people*
Thanks heap to Foreign Beauty for sprucing up Story mory!
Goodbye to the old, Hello to the new...

P/s: Don't forget to vote for my Fun Pictures below... #2 is hoping to emerge the uncontested winner *lol*
so lets see the vote coming in first :-P
posted @ 8.3.08,
- At March 9, 2008 at 1:05 PM, said...
Friend of Cindy of Forevertulip here.
Wahhh.. now this is so cute. You deserve it. Good choice and if i have to mention, the color just awesome.
Oh ya, the #1 picture, princess pocahontas... nice. i vote for that! - At March 10, 2008 at 7:59 AM, FloDawn said...
Hi PapaJoneh,
Thanks for dropping by.
Yeah I love what Cindy had come up with too hehe... And thanks for casting your vote! :-P - At March 11, 2008 at 11:29 AM, seventh said...
ive done the tagging thingy. hahaha finally