Flashback 2 -- Ty's Sweet 16th Birthday
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Ty turned 16 last 27th January...
Yeah a couple months back hehehe

I am indeed verry overdue with this entry, but better late than never right...
Usually the family have a combined birthday babies party, but since it was Ty's coming-of-age birthday, the parents decided it would be the appropriate occasion to invite close relatives, neighbours & friends to come & also an opportunity to catch up with each others' life.
It was a wonderful time to get together and ask about the going-ons in one another's' family & life in general. And it was a good surprise to see all the young cousin blossomed into lanky teenagers... goes to show how much time have passed by since the last meet-up!
Anyways... here is a combo pic of Ty trying to blow self-alighting birthday candles (that alight at the slightest sound made after being blown out).
Carrot cheese cake and Fresh cream fruit cake... both yummy!
The kiddos excited to see so many candles... hoping they get the honour to blow it but...
Birthday boy blowing with all his might while the cute kiddos wished they could lend their breath as well hehehe...
Hah all blown put...
Errr got one more suddenly alighted!
Hehehe! Gotcha!

For the full photo album ... click here...
posted @ 8.4.09,
- At April 8, 2009 at 2:49 PM, said...
looks like fun ! I must try those candles one of these days :) hhhmmm whose birthday is next ya...
- At April 9, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Dymphna said...
uhh...tayang tanak vagu suda...=)uhawaaa...sedihnya miss dis birthday party