Utan Paradise & KK Adventure Land Trip
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tweety & I were off to another work-related adventure last Friday (20 March)... but this time we took along Clement to show us the way and act as our tour guide...

Our destination -- Utan Paradise Jungle Lodge.
Mission -- to determine whether the place is good enough for one of our photography workshop venue.
The lodge is situated along the new highway to Keningau. As we passed by Papar road, Tweety was most amused by 'this' (see pic below) and forced me to get down to snap some photos!

Mr. Moo-moo was clearly not impressed with me... Some drivers even took time to roll down their windscreen to say something unintelligible words, but sounded suspiciously like "apa ko buat oh!" or "hey, dari mana ko!"

Some 1 hour 20mins later we reach 'Utan Paradise'.
The outdoor kitchen is seen on the left, and the hostel is the building on the right. The white Kelisa is our 'magic carpet'.
Closer look at the outdoor kitchen. All the basic necessity provided. Seen in the background, Tweety already making herself at home at the dining area.
Tweety & Clement having tete-a-tete ... erm about the workshop of course.
This is the main hall of the hostel building.
Tweety testing out the double decker.
"Hummmph... the mattress is sturdy enough to lie on," Tweety's butt said

The Do's and Don'ts at Utan.
There's even a viewing porch behind the hostel building. If you're in luck, you might sight some rare birds Clement said.
This is the outdoor camping rooms... There are 5 tents altogether, which 3 of them can accomodate 3-4 pax, and 2 tents only accomodating 2 pax.
Tweety taking a closer look at one of the tent.
This one can fit in 3-4 pax. But if one were to pass wind

Little Red-Tweety-Hood???
Next, off to see the forest trail... the trail also lead to a waterfall further inside.
Am so happy to be able to capture this pic of the red-butt dragonfly. I had to stay real still and wait for it to come close enough hehehe...
Another one with a darker and fatter head. Nasib I got good balance... else I'd be swimming with the fishes in the lil' pond.
The forest trail... Tweety was not keen to walk in further...
Another close up...
Before we concluded our site inspection, I met Mr. Garfield! He was sooo friendly. Garfield belongs to Utan's caretaker, Anton. I wanted to play with Garfield more but...
Someone was in a dark mood cos her stomach was running empty ha ha!
Garfield looked forlorned as I reluctantly waved bye-bye...
Clement took us to his fav spot in Papar... Tweety and I were impressed with this Slice Ginger Fish creation! Creative kan... And it was tasty. Best part was, it was quite cheap.
Next, we wanted to inspect 'KK AdventureLand'.
The place is situated along Kinarut beach... very windy and peaceful.
The stuff there looked like fun... but quite scary for me as am no good with height! Yikes!
See how high the rope is from ground? You need to go through the obstacles up above ground with your teammates as part of a team-building challenge. There's also rock climbing facilities.
Tweety decided to show me her more agressive side ha ha! Look like a happy-go-lucky thug huh ...
Overall, we are hugely considering Utan as our next venue for one of our Photography Workshop this year. I for one look forward to returning there... to see cutey Mr. Garfield again!
posted @ 27.3.09,
- At March 28, 2009 at 10:35 PM, said...
Kadazanmonk says: I like the food and mr. garfield looks like a real gentletom. The camp tents look real cool without the western camping tents. Why can't they just use mats and mosquito nets? you are rigt, if sb farts, the smell will hang around 4 ages:-0 It is a nice place for future planning camp venue.
- At March 29, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Tweety Muttley said...
The dragon fly picture is indeed a good one! I must highlight that in the Photography Workshop and I am happy that you have really absorbed a lot during the Photography Workshop! Very proud of you!
Beware the red riding hood will be roaming the jungle after 12midnight... - At April 3, 2009 at 4:16 PM, said...
Enjoyed this!