Soon-to-be Mommy
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Errrrh not me ah... but my dear ol' buddy Mei Ling aka Momoi.
She's expecting a lil' Prince next month (yay! He'll be a Leo like me

Am taking this opportunity (wah so skema kan) to wish Momoi & Hubs CONGRATS on their soon-to-be parents status

Yesterday after work, Dr. Karen aka Dr.K who seems to look perpetually like a Form 5 student, Dr. Alex, and yours truly had dinner with mommy-to-be Momoi at Upperstar Damai.
Aaah it's always wonderful to catch up with old friends... though, I for one didn't feel the long gap in between the last time we all met up (1 years++ back?).
Although Momoi is due around 15th August... Alex predicts that she might deliver on the auspicious date of 8th August 2008... to which Momoi added "maybe at exactly 8.08 am/pm!"
To me, as long as lil' Prince still be a Leo any date will do

Anyway, we shall all see in the next 2-3 weeks to come. Good luck Moi!
posted @ 24.7.08,
- At July 24, 2008 at 9:59 AM, said...
Happy Birthday to 1 of the girl in da pic(awal satu hari okay bah) !!! u know who u are... hahahaha... can i reveal ur age ah?? hehehe... nah, just kidding.
ML, one cool pregnant lady ya... still jaga badan! :-) - At July 24, 2008 at 7:48 PM, said...
gosshhh moimoi dont seem to gain any kg at all...envy her la...her stomach only big...face n hand still the same...lucky moimoi...after gv birth, no need to mati matian diet hehehe....
- At July 25, 2008 at 11:01 PM, John Harding said...
Eh.. that Dr. Alex is Leong ka? btw.. bila itu birthday? my company banned friendster so i cant go and check.
- At July 25, 2008 at 11:07 PM, John Harding said...
celaka..Karen sudah jadi doktor..tidak ngam lar sama saya ni...LOL