Since @#%!
Monday, February 25, 2008
One time, Ms. Tweety-Muttley was reduced to an alarming giggly-sneezy like fits as we neared a shop row on the left side of the road coming down to Queen E Hospital from St Francis secondary school. "What now? What is it?" I had to ask several times to get her to stop her Muttley-like laugh for an explanation.
"Look on your left. What do you see?" was her helpful reply. Believe me I looked, but I totally didn't see anything to make me pull my lip upward into even the tiniest smile. Nope... no funny character around. So what pretty please, is so funny?
This. Below. Read the shop signage.

Harhar! Since 2007... Why even bother to include this phrase huh?
Trying to insert some air of being 'established' like Guinness perhaps? Gosh! Hehe...

posted @ 25.2.08,
- At February 26, 2008 at 4:54 AM, said...
who is tweety-muttley?
- At February 26, 2008 at 8:52 AM, FloDawn said...
Tweety-Muttley is my colleague who is also the Queen of Mischief ;))
She'd like to be known as tweetymuttley in this blog though. Why? cos she adore Tweety bird and she has that unique muttley laugh. Check 'muttley' out to know what i mean :-D