The tree at the beach
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
It’s at the tip of my tongue… what’s the name of this tree ya? The name eludes me this morning hmmm… Anyway, I remember learning--back in high school eons ago--about trees in sandy area eg: beaches, that the trees need to have super huge and long root so they can survive. This tree in particular looked like it has tentacle-like roots in stilettos hehe… My guess is that the root needs to be as such so that it will not be overwhelmed by high tide or flooding.
I was so fascinated with the tree I shot several pictures of it. But the one shown here is my fav. Yeah its not much but still to an amateur photo shooter its good enuf huh *grin*
Anyway, please help me out with the name of this ‘lady-like’ tree ya. Surely it’s not palm oil tree? Hmmm… look like it to me though.
posted @ 22.1.08,