Home-Coming of KadazanMonk: Arrival...
Sunday, December 02, 2007
The last time he came back home was 2 years back, so Bro. C was desperate for some local dishes. Aunty F rose to the occasion and prepared cuttlefish soup with ‘takob-akob’ and fried fish in soya sauce. Sounds like verrrry simple dishes to me, but it might as well have been a 7 Stars hotel’s serving to Bro. C.
Simple midnight snack... One VERY satisfied customer! :-)
Next project… the transformation… peel 10 years off him!
Before and After ... his head looked 10 years younger right?
While executing the ‘transformation’, we watched a French movie brought by Bro. C, which he said took France by storm! Errrr can’t remember the title now. It was a great movie. Might blog about it later.
Anyway, Santa came early to us with Bro. C distributing some small tokens from UK. Yay!! Fav part this!
Wei-Wei was thrilled and promptly put on his Halloween Costume (gift from Bro. C). A colourful Rosary. Got a bracelet of colourful-stone rosary and keychains, but I forgot to snap photo in my excitement hehe...
Next thing we know it was approaching 4.30am! With a wedding to catch at 10.00am, we forced ourselves to recline and shut our eyes.
Despite lack of sleep, we woke up at 7.00am and promptly got ready for breakfast at Emperor. We arrived for the wedding at 9.45am in good time, and stayed on through the reception till 3.00pm. We were close to nodding off and kissing the floor. Better make a move.
Aunty F and Bro. C dressed to the nine for the wedding. In colour-coordinated costume, they looked more like a husband&wife than as siblings haha!
At night, close relatives came to my family house to welcome Bro. C home.
Our house was filled with choirs of juicy gossips, incessant chats and uproarious laughter! The party only broke around 2.00am on Sunday … ZzzzZZZzzz…
Tiger prawn soup with takob-akob! Yum-yum! No restaurant can match this specialty dish by SG aka Aunty Viola :-) This was my fav dish that night. I know cholestrol... BUT...
I probably gained 2kg from Saturday eatings alone… *sigggghhh*
Labels: family, food, KadazanMonk
posted @ 2.12.07,
- At December 3, 2007 at 1:33 PM, nobathroomnosink said...
kau gained 2 kg??BLUFFING!! hehehe
- At December 12, 2007 at 4:36 PM, said...
Al Pedrito rather excited....
hey solly molly slare... this kadazanmonk like the Monk in the Star World ka? i love that character in the "Monk"!! is the kadazanmonk like that ka? yipeee am all excited!! when can i see him? i understand... "got see but no touch"
Excited Al Pedrito