Home-Coming of KadazanMonk: Running errands…
Friday, November 30, 2007
Here are the list of items KadazanMonk wanted us to get for him:
1) cheap running shoes (he intends to eat all the local dishes he missed, so he hope by having the shoe, he’d justify eating more than he should!)
2) short pants (to use for his joggings. We’ll see about that.)
3) sport socks (to complement the shoe)
4) tooth-brush (hygiene essential)
5) facial cleanser for men (vain are we?)
These are all the bags of goodies we bought for KadazanMonk... and some items from our lil' detour :-)
Those items are piece of cake to look for, huh. But what should have taken aunt Fillise and me just below one hour to shop for, stretched to 2 hours hehehe… we couldn’t resist detouring to all the boutiques and stores with our names written on it! One of our ‘awwww factor’ detour was to Hikosen Cara (see entry above: Hikosen Cara - City Mall branch, KK).
And to end our lovely evening, we decided to add several inches more to our voluptious hip at Starbuck.
Tired from our mad shopping spree... aunt Fillise couldn't even lift a smile for the cam.
Labels: KadazanMonk
posted @ 30.11.07,
- At December 2, 2007 at 12:25 AM, Aunty J said...
What busy bees you guys have been and will be for the next 1 mth!! haha..