Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Earlier this month (4th April), a team of education researcher from the Peninsular came over to Monsopiad Cultural Village to shoot some photos depicting Kadazan people in full traditional costumes. The models were paid RM50.00 each for their time, so Faye (my youngest sis) and Wei2 (cousin) were more than enthusiastic to sacrifice the better part of their Saturday morning being photographed with some other friends.
Me and 'Fairlady' (busybody aunt of mine) were the merri-making tag-along party.
As was explained by one of the team, they were looking for photos to use in future educational text-book. Hehe so these faces in the pic can expect to see their face becoming the object of scrutiny by future school children hehehhe...
Here are some photos taken by Yours Truly.
[Top - Bottom] Paku, Byxter, Kuyun, Averyl, Wei2 & Faye.
posted @ 21.4.09,
Cat on Friday
Friday, April 10, 2009
Cat on Friday will replace 'Cat's Pic of the Week (^-_-^)~'
(cos it's too long he he)
This week's picture are of my two preggy cats--Ginger and lil' Red.
To date, both had given birth just 2-3 days apart a week back.
Guess how many kittens each had!
(will post the kittens pic next week)
This here is Ginger...
This is the teenage Red... and I thought she was putting on weight.
Even heavy with kittens, Red can still give Guli (the black dog) a good game of sparring.
... and she's winning too!
The teenage dogs decided to give Guli a hand...
posted @ 10.4.09,
Have a Blessed Holy Week
Thursday, April 09, 2009
To all my Christian friends/readers ...
posted @ 9.4.09,
Flashback 2 -- Ty's Sweet 16th Birthday
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Ty turned 16 last 27th January...
Yeah a couple months back hehehe
I am indeed verry overdue with this entry, but better late than never right...
Usually the family have a combined birthday babies party, but since it was Ty's coming-of-age birthday, the parents decided it would be the appropriate occasion to invite close relatives, neighbours & friends to come & also an opportunity to catch up with each others' life.
It was a wonderful time to get together and ask about the going-ons in one another's' family & life in general. And it was a good surprise to see all the young cousin blossomed into lanky teenagers... goes to show how much time have passed by since the last meet-up!
Anyways... here is a combo pic of Ty trying to blow self-alighting birthday candles (that alight at the slightest sound made after being blown out).
Carrot cheese cake and Fresh cream fruit cake... both yummy!
The kiddos excited to see so many candles... hoping they get the honour to blow it but...
Birthday boy blowing with all his might while the cute kiddos wished they could lend their breath as well hehehe...
Hah all blown put...
Errr got one more suddenly alighted!
Hehehe! Gotcha!
For the full photo album ... click here...
posted @ 8.4.09,
Utan Paradise & KK Adventure Land Trip
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tweety & I were off to another work-related adventure last Friday (20 March)... but this time we took along Clement to show us the way and act as our tour guide...
Our destination -- Utan Paradise Jungle Lodge.
Mission -- to determine whether the place is good enough for one of our photography workshop venue.
The lodge is situated along the new highway to Keningau. As we passed by Papar road, Tweety was most amused by 'this' (see pic below) and forced me to get down to snap some photos!
Mr. Moo-moo was clearly not impressed with me... Some drivers even took time to roll down their windscreen to say something unintelligible words, but sounded suspiciously like "apa ko buat oh!" or "hey, dari mana ko!"
Some 1 hour 20mins later we reach 'Utan Paradise'.
The outdoor kitchen is seen on the left, and the hostel is the building on the right. The white Kelisa is our 'magic carpet'.
Closer look at the outdoor kitchen. All the basic necessity provided. Seen in the background, Tweety already making herself at home at the dining area.
Tweety & Clement having tete-a-tete ... erm about the workshop of course.
This is the main hall of the hostel building.
Tweety testing out the double decker.
"Hummmph... the mattress is sturdy enough to lie on," Tweety's butt said
The Do's and Don'ts at Utan.
There's even a viewing porch behind the hostel building. If you're in luck, you might sight some rare birds Clement said.
This is the outdoor camping rooms... There are 5 tents altogether, which 3 of them can accomodate 3-4 pax, and 2 tents only accomodating 2 pax.
Tweety taking a closer look at one of the tent.
This one can fit in 3-4 pax. But if one were to pass wind
Little Red-Tweety-Hood???
Next, off to see the forest trail... the trail also lead to a waterfall further inside.
Am so happy to be able to capture this pic of the red-butt dragonfly. I had to stay real still and wait for it to come close enough hehehe...
Another one with a darker and fatter head. Nasib I got good balance... else I'd be swimming with the fishes in the lil' pond.
The forest trail... Tweety was not keen to walk in further...
Another close up...
Before we concluded our site inspection, I met Mr. Garfield! He was sooo friendly. Garfield belongs to Utan's caretaker, Anton. I wanted to play with Garfield more but...
Someone was in a dark mood cos her stomach was running empty ha ha!
Garfield looked forlorned as I reluctantly waved bye-bye...
Clement took us to his fav spot in Papar... Tweety and I were impressed with this Slice Ginger Fish creation! Creative kan... And it was tasty. Best part was, it was quite cheap.
Next, we wanted to inspect 'KK AdventureLand'.
The place is situated along Kinarut beach... very windy and peaceful.
The stuff there looked like fun... but quite scary for me as am no good with height! Yikes!
See how high the rope is from ground? You need to go through the obstacles up above ground with your teammates as part of a team-building challenge. There's also rock climbing facilities.
Tweety decided to show me her more agressive side ha ha! Look like a happy-go-lucky thug huh ...
Overall, we are hugely considering Utan as our next venue for one of our Photography Workshop this year. I for one look forward to returning there... to see cutey Mr. Garfield again!
posted @ 27.3.09,
Flashback 1 - New Year 2009!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Gosh, this is looong time overdue...
I know Kadazanmonk has been patiently waiting for all the storymories since that happened since January... Well, this is just one Flashback story out of several others ya
The cousins doing what they love most... posing for the cam. (Yours truly not in the pic for obvious reason ya)
The first Flashback is about New Year 2009 celebration, as usual hosted at home. The swimming pool was cleaned and decorated to resemble that of a lover's pool instead
... and the younger generation had a blast washing off all their bad luck of 2008 come midnight.
The smaller grey coloured balloon were filled up with water to create 'water-balloon bom'... (the guys were enthusiastic, but the mommas gave them a good scolding instead, as it was a cold night haha!)
Anyway, it was another New Year get together to remember... we all were too busy gossiping to bother about games or dances this year though.
My fav photo of the night :) ... Nic and Maccom doing a Tarzan-before-going-to-war impersonation! Simply adorable aren't they hehehhe...
posted @ 12.3.09,